Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Discussing the Previous Day

Anyone check out the videos? any thoughts on what you saw?

I love the "Dear Sister" SNL skit. I had to watch the original scene from the OC for context. It's still funny either way. Fred Armisen is a great character actor, however, Bill Hader has to be my favorite right now on SNL.

as for Douche Penn...what can I say? I don't care about people wanting to marry other people. It's a ridiculously overrated "cause" and if I were a starving, mosquito bitten, AIDS infected, diamond mining african child, I'd be pissed.

I'm not against gay marriage rights, I just think our time, energy, and money could be spent a billion other injustices. Hey gay dudes, take it from one straight married dude....the grass ain't always greener.

Just my humble opinion...

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