Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Why Credit?

Let's face it: you need credit.

Credit has allowed people of average means to make purchases that previously only the top 10% of income earners could realistically make. From Houses to Cars to Vacations, people's wealth and happiness have been positively affected by this great tool.

Credit isn't a new phenomenon, and yet everyday I see people with no credit or bad credit. It's a shame, and I understand how it happens, but at the same time, it doesn't have to stay that way.

1) communicate when you're having trouble. Ask the bank or creditor for assistance 2) be deligent with paying off bills. Don't add more debt when you can't afford it. 3) budget your money so you know where its going.

Good Credit can save you THOUSANDS of dollars in your lifetime, so why not pay more attention to it?

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